Social Inclusion
Social Inclusion
Goals: To enhance social inclusion of youth with disabilities and their caregivers
Enabling CYWDs to participate in social activities like attending religious events, community meetings, political elections, environmental cleaning and domestic chores.
CYWDs engage with their fellows in activities/ events like in inclusive schools/ collage and in sports and entertainments.
Interventions social inclusion
(IDPWD – International Day for People with Disabilities)
It is commemorated on 3rd December each year. This day exists to make sure that environmental and social barriers are identified and to help everyone to work together to overcome them. We will never eradicate health impairment but by overcoming barriers, then we will eradicate disablement.
Together with local government authorities, CYWDs and communities we will conduct community based dialogue on providing, promoting and protection rights of people with disabilities.
Through Radio programmes and procession on world disability day we will sensitize the community about disability.
The Day of African Child is used to highlight the current situation and rights of the African child to quality education and a better life. Further, this day is used to honour hundreds of black school children short dead and other thousands of children who took part in the protests against the low quality of education being offered to blacks and demanding their right to be taught in their own language, on16th June 1976 in Soweto South Africa.
CBIDO will utilize this day to bring together children with disabilities and those without disabilities to raise their voices upon equity and equality and participate in different sports and games such as music and dances, soccer, playing cards etc.
We like to support different initiatives with the goal of social inclusion for children and youngsters with a disability like in sports and games.