Other activities

Other activities

Interventions other activities

• Capacity building to various stakeholders
• Capacity building to PWDs on the rights
• Orient community groups both with and without disabilities on basics of CBR.
• Conduct campaign for policy implementation
• Establish and join active collaborations with local government and other Non-state actors
• Prepare and distribute 2000 IEC materials for awareness creation.
• Meeting with state officers and head of health facilities.
• Conducting base line survey
• Conducting pre-survey training to enumerators (data collectors) on the kind of data to be collected

• Conducting study tour with teachers to special schools either in Bukoba or Muleba.
• Conducting meetings with parents of children with disabilities supported by CBIDO in inclusive education.
• Form and train 5 school inclusive clubs on child rights.

• Conduct campaign for improvement and /or full implementation of policies related to social economic empowerment.
• Conducting training to local government leaders, religious leaders, on the rights of persons with disabilities, Basic CBR principles.

• Office renovation
• Purchase of alternative source of power
• Water drilling
• Office furniture
• Organization publicity materials (Staff uniforms)

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