Goals: PWD and their guardians obtaining skills, to be as much as possible self-reliant and participating in daily life.
This is integral part of CBR components, it intends to build economic empowerment to individuals with disabilities and the families living with children with disabilities, in doing this currently CBIDO will continue enhancing capacities of youths with disabilities through linking them to both available vocational training institutes and personnel with vocational skills running various technical , mechanical and wood works that can help youngsters to gain life skills to help them gain income in the future
Interventions livelihood
CBIDO is running life skills training at the Centre especially to girl with disabilities, priorities will be given to girls with learning difficulties who cannot actively learn from regular vocational training centers. Youngsters to be supported are identified by Village Rehabilitation Workers in collaboration with zone facilitators from CBIDO programme villages, CBIDO covers school uniforms, transport, school fees, learning materials parents are contributing for food in terms of kind or cash. Also at the center all running costs are covered by CBIDO. New programs at the center starts July. It is hosting 30 girls yearly currently. From January some products from the current programs such as sweater knitting, shoes production, and uniforms will be sold to around schools so as to get some money that can continue reducing the running costs from this department.
From January, parents of all girls and youngsters supported by CBIDO in vocational skills will be sensitized to start fundraising for the machines of their daughters, which will enable them after they graduated from their respective courses of study
In 2019 we also started a pilot project to train CYwD in their own village in different workshops with more on the job training. Currently these are 20 girls
We also support youngsters who qualify, and having finished Form 4, to regular Vocational training centers. And if needed champion with them to have accessible facilities for PWD.