Disability Prevention Rehabilitation Program
In 2022 CBIDO has started a cooperation with the government of Tanzania in supporting Children and Youngsters with a disability. This program is focussed on among others prevention of disability by. It is focussed on making sure all pregnant women get antenatal, ultrasound, lab tests, save delivery in dispensary or hospital, post natal check ups for mother and child and vaccinations up to 2 years. Also trainings on nutrition, and other topics for a save pregnancy will be carried out. It will also check on the health of mother and child. This will need to prevent different complications caused during pregnancy (short of folic acid, wrong nutrition, sickness mother, to hard work, during delivery (ultrasound before to prevent complications, no deliveries at home), and post natal, to make sure mother and child are healthy and the child receiving all vaccinations (to prevent diseases, to prevent damage caused by diseases), and all focussed to prevent children born with certain disabilities and to prevent them to happen during the first 2 years of their life.
Next to this all other services (interventions) will be offered by CBIDO in the program wards using a CBR facilitator being in charge for a full ward and an VRW (village rehabilitation worker) for each village, supported by the different therapist of CBIDO and CBR specialist (coordinators). The DPRS will go for 4 years from screening of all children with a disability, needs assessment, service delivery tailormade to the needs of each child with a individual plan, training of local staff, different awareness creation and trainings, a special unit in a primary school, primary and secondary schools increased accessibility to children with a disability and after 4 years handing over the project to the community, so CBIDO will be able to move to the next ward to be able to increase the impact and reach more children with a disability.
We will use an app which is being implemented in 2022, to be able to register all pregnant women in a certain village or ward and to be able to make sure they attend antenatal, delivery and post natal check ups, vaccinations and check on the child health.
Also all parents and children with a disability will be registered and the app will be used to track their progress, by doing all assessments within the app using general holistic entry and exit assessment and for each intervention an assessment based on KPI’s (key performance indicators).
This app will be used to follow individual clients but will be also a great tool for monitoring and evaluation for internal and external use to our donors, the government and other stakeholders. Which will help us with our financial system of bookkeeping to kbnow unit costs for each intervention and help us to improve the quality and lower the costs
In each ward we will support the upgrade of at least one dispensary with:
– a lab with microscope for simple blood, urine and stool tests
– an ultrasound to make sure at least each pregnant women gets one scan before due date to know the position to know if a normal delivery is possible if not referral to hospital.
– a therapy room CBIDO will be able to do physio, occupational therapy, nutrition consults and counselling, and to be able to train local staff on doing the same.